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July 18, 2008

Score GW: Zero, Human rights: 1

The senate and house passed a law averting Medicare cuts and equalizing co-pays for mental health visits last week. Let there be light…I mean life. The law passed by a landslide making the law veto-proof (as GW stated that it was his intention to halt the bill—touting the “seniors must have choices” rhetoric once again). Choices, let see, if you are a Medicare beneficiary (and not allowed by law to pay out of pocket for healthcare) would you choose seeing a doctor…or going without. This is what their “choice” amounts to, why do you ask? Well the truth is that medical practices are closing their doors to Medicare patients. That should make you angry, after all, doctors make too much money as it is…right?


AMA news bulletin 7/17
For more information: health.usnews.com

Robin Stone, M.D.
13123 Rosedale Hill Ave.
Huntersville, NC 28078

Posted by on July 18, 2008 1:03 PM | Permalink

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